Friday, December 18, 2009


Happy Holidays to everyone!

Thank you for being a fan of my page. It's definitely been an exciting year and I'm even more excited for 2010.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I have lots of great things planned for 2010, but first I need some time off to relax and recharge. My husband and I are heading out to the wet coast (pun intended) to spend some quality time with his parents over this holiday season. Then I will be spending a few days with my mom down in Gibbons.
It's crazy to think but I've been so busy that I haven't had a chance to visit with her face to face since before wedding season, so back in May and even that was for a wedding.

After that I'm super pumped to be heading down to the U.S. to spend some time with some of the top photographers in the wedding photography industry. From Jan. 8 to 15 I'll be at a conference in Nashville, Tennessee, listening to some of the industry's top speakers and shooters. I know that probably few of these names will be known to people, but speakers include Jerry Ghionis, Cliff Mautner, Kevin Kubota and Jim Garner among others.

As well, I'm getting in on opportunities to shoot with renowned fashion/wedding photographer Chuck Arlund (,, boudoir expert Critsey Rowe ( and David Beckstead ( as well as get one-on-one time with Tara Kneiser of Dixie Pixel Photography (, Tammy Warnock of True Blue Photography (trueblueintimates.wordpre and two of Canada's best wedding photographers Jen and Steve Bebb of Bebb Studios (

I'm excited for what's to come in 2010 and I hope that you are as well!

Have a great New Year!


P.S. - I've mainly been posting on Facebook lately but I'll try to update the blog and put up more photos of all of the beautiful weddings I did this summer and fall.

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